KAALO has implemented and handed over a Desalination plant in Ceeldahir village.

KAALO has implemented and Handed-over a Borehole in Dalweyn Village.

The Jarriban community has reaped significant benefits from the production of green fodder.

Borehole rehabilitation and hygiene promotion activities have transformed the lives of the Gerihel community, under the GFFO project.

Dhuusamareeb | Launch Event of Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment in Somalia.

The Jarriban community has reaped significant benefits from the production of green fodder.

On the 28th – 29th of February 2024, KAALO has conducted Retreat Annual Meeting in Garowe

Mohamoud Beereed KAALO's WASH Manager has visited Beledweyne

Fariinta 1aad | Waa maxay Dastuur? | What is a Constitution?

Fariinta 5aad | 11-ka qodob ee u baahan in laga heshiiyo ee Dastuurka KMG Soomaaliya

KAALO has implemented a community Seed Bank in CUUN village, the purpose is to support farmers to get Seed that may need.

KAALO has developed agriculture in CUUN and JIBAGALE villages Also, KAALO has given farmers the tools and supplies they require

With support of EU, KAALO held Puntland Heritage Week festival which enhances community resilience and state-building

KAALO SEIPP project has conducted various trainings for Men and Women youth who have been trained in various professional skills.

KAALO BRCIS project has implemented a water Dam at Qalwo village to reduce water shortage in Qalwo areas

KAALO organization has funded farmers in Cuun with a modern farming method (Green House).

Qorshaha Dimoqoradiyeynta Soomaaliya, Waxaa idin soo gudbinaysa hay'adda KAALO

Qorshaha Cadaaladda iyo sare uqaadisata garsoorka Soomaaliya, Waxaa idin soo gudbinaysa hay'adda KAALO

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