
KAALO is currently responding to the floods in Beledweyen

KAALO is currently responding to the floods in Beledweyen and As part of Kick off the project, KAALO conducted community mobilizations in Ceeljeele IDPs, Nasiib IDP, Shabelow and Dharkeynta villages in Beledweyne Districts. Communities were shared key intervention activities included Water Trucking, Cash, Emergency latrines, Hygiene awareness, and Agricultural inputs and also the KAALO compliant […]

KAALO is currently responding to the floods in Beledweyen Read More »

We Started to support farmers for Land Preparation/tillage in Cuun and Jibagalle Villages of Nugal Region.

We Started to support farmers for Land Preparation/tillage in Cuun and Jibagalle Villages of Nugal Region. The aim of this intervention is to increase food Production and Enhance food security and nutrition level with a target of 93 HHs in Cuun and Jibagale Villages of Nugal Region This Project is funded by Development Fund for

We Started to support farmers for Land Preparation/tillage in Cuun and Jibagalle Villages of Nugal Region. Read More »

Shirki Golaha Barlamaanka Dhalinyarada Puntland iyo talooyinki ka soo baxay

Shirki Golaha Barlamaanka Dhalinyarada Puntland iyo talooyinki ka soo baxay 22 September ilaa 29 September Kulankii Barlamaanka Dhalinyarada Puntland ee qabsoomay September 22 ilaa September 29, 2018, waxa ay uga wada hadleen oo ajanahoodu ka koobna shan qodob oo muhim u ah dawladnimada iyo guud ahaan howlaha maamul wanaagga. Waxa qodobadaasi ay ahaayeen: Demoqaraadiyenta, caddaaladda, Adeegyada

Shirki Golaha Barlamaanka Dhalinyarada Puntland iyo talooyinki ka soo baxay Read More »

Call for Papers and Article

Call for Papers / Articles KAALO Aid and Development (KAALO) is humanitarian and development NGO in Somalia. KAALO operates in the Puntland Regions and Somalia at large and is involved in relief aid, rehabilitation and development programs in various sectors: Education, Health, Rural Development, Agriculture and livelihood and Governance (Peace, Human Rights, Gender Development, and

Call for Papers and Article Read More »