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We Started to support farmers for Land Preparation/tillage in Cuun and Jibagalle Villages of Nugal Region.

We Started to support farmers for Land Preparation/tillage in Cuun and Jibagalle Villages of Nugal Region. The aim of this intervention is to increase food Production and Enhance food security and nutrition level with a target of 93 HHs in Cuun and Jibagale Villages of Nugal Region This Project is funded by Development Fund for

We Started to support farmers for Land Preparation/tillage in Cuun and Jibagalle Villages of Nugal Region. Read More »

Shirki Golaha Barlamaanka Dhalinyarada Puntland iyo talooyinki ka soo baxay

Shirki Golaha Barlamaanka Dhalinyarada Puntland iyo talooyinki ka soo baxay 22 September ilaa 29 September Kulankii Barlamaanka Dhalinyarada Puntland ee qabsoomay September 22 ilaa September 29, 2018, waxa ay uga wada hadleen oo ajanahoodu ka koobna shan qodob oo muhim u ah dawladnimada iyo guud ahaan howlaha maamul wanaagga. Waxa qodobadaasi ay ahaayeen: Demoqaraadiyenta, caddaaladda, Adeegyada

Shirki Golaha Barlamaanka Dhalinyarada Puntland iyo talooyinki ka soo baxay Read More »

Call for Papers and Article

Call for Papers / Articles KAALO Aid and Development (KAALO) is humanitarian and development NGO in Somalia. KAALO operates in the Puntland Regions and Somalia at large and is involved in relief aid, rehabilitation and development programs in various sectors: Education, Health, Rural Development, Agriculture and livelihood and Governance (Peace, Human Rights, Gender Development, and

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Legal Assistance and Protection Project for Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Bossaso, Galkayo, Gardo and Garowe

This is the achievements of the legal assistance and protection project funded by UNCHR and implemented KAALO Aid and Development.  The project commenced on 1 January 2016 and ended 31 Dec 2016.   The project activities were mainly provision of legal services included legal counselling and court representations and capacity building  trainings to the law

Legal Assistance and Protection Project for Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Bossaso, Galkayo, Gardo and Garowe Read More »

Training on Best Practices in Good Governance Accountability and Transparency in Puntland

KAALO in Partnership with National Endowment for Democracy (NED) conducted training workshop on Best Practices in Good Governance, Accountability, and Advocacy Tools to Monitor Expenditures and Promote transparency, under the project of “Promoting Transparent and Accountable Government in Puntland” and aimed to enhance the capacity of public officials and promote public understanding of the importance

Training on Best Practices in Good Governance Accountability and Transparency in Puntland Read More »

Legal Assistance and Protection of Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Bossaso, Galkaio, Gardo and Garowe

KAALO AID and DEVELOPMENT is current implementing Legal Assistance and Protection project for refugees and asylum seekers funded by UNHCR. It’s one year project started from January2016 and will end December 2016. The main purpose of the project is to Enhance protection environment and create conducive environment for the 5,088 refugees and asylum seekers in

Legal Assistance and Protection of Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Bossaso, Galkaio, Gardo and Garowe Read More »

Call for Papers/Articles

    Call for Papers / Articles Colleagues; Academicians, policy makers, researchers and graduates and university students KAALOinvites you to call for papers / articles intended to increase the body of knowledge of good governance, accountability, anti-corruption  and transparency inPuntland, and Somalia at large. Areas of interest for this call are as follows; Anti-Corruption Good

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Promoting Transparent and Accountable Government in Puntland – KAALO-NED

Promoting Transparent and Accountable Government in Puntland Project Launching Event – KAALO KAALO in Partnership with National Endowment for Democracy (NED) launched titled “Promoting Transparent and Accountable Government in Puntland”. The main aim of the project is to enhance the capacity of public officials and promote public understanding of the importance of transparency and accountability